- Macula contents

What is macula?
Macula is organization of retina rerated to eyesight. There are a lot of cells to recognize letter and color. Disease of macula is cause a low vision and central scotoma.
Symptom of macula
Do you have these symptoms?
- Distort vision
- Narrow a field of vision
- Low vision
- Field of view is dark
We recommend you to earlier examination.
Examination for macular disease
DRI OCT Triton
It’s an inspecting machine use principle of infrared ray radiation. It made it possible observation of cross section and diagnosing retinal(especially macular) lesion early.
Funduscopy camera
By taking photo of retina, it’s possible to diagnose retina and optic nerve disease.
Amsler chart
By taking a look of test chart, we can check distortion and lack of your vision.