We will open our clinic all days through Silver Week.
Doctor’s schedule
We can schedule cataract surgery within 3 weeks.

For the beginners

Do you use contact lenses properly?

You might unconsciously get eye diseases if you do not use the lenses properly.
Here are some bad examples below.

Example1. Handling the contact lenses with dirty hands.

Even if your hands look seemingly clean, there might be bacteria or dirt on them.
They might cause some infections or allergies, so please wash your hands for sure before you wear/take off the lenses.

Example2. Wearing the contact lenses after applying makeup.

Cosmetic ingredients could also cause eye disorders. Please wear contact lenses before applying makeup to prevent them from getting stains.

Example3. Rubbing the eyes while wearing contact lenses

It might cause damages on the cornea if you rub your eyes with contact lenses worn. If you tend to rub your eyes a lot, that means there are possiblity of eye disorders. We recommend you stop using them and consult with the doctor.

Example4.Using the same contact lens case for a long time

You must completely rinse and dry the case to prevent it from growing bacteria, however, they might multiply inside even if you do so.
Therefore you need to replace the case every 1.5 to 3 months(soft contact lens)/6 months to 1 year(hard contact lens).

Example5. Sleeping with contact lenses in your eyes

You must take off the lenses before you sleep unless the doctor gives you a permission for the extended use.
There are less tear production during sleep and that make the eyes dry, which increases the risk of your eyes getting dameged by the contact lenses.
Please see ophthalmologists if the eyes condition is bad after you wake up.

Example6. Overwearing contact lenses

Please do not use contact lenses beyond the time period.
Contact lenses are made on condition that you use them properly, so the conjunctiva or cornea might occur inflamation if you do not follow the rules.
The symptoms are often chronic and get worse gradually, so it’s difficult to be aware of them. Sometimes your symptoms might suddenly become severe too. Be sure to follow the rules and use contact lenses properly.
If you have used contact lenses in a wrong way and have any symptoms or concern, stop using them and go to an ophthalmologist.

Do you know how to wear/take off and care contact lenses?
If you use the lenses in a bad way, you might unconsciously get eye diseases.

See a doctor before these disorders occur.

However, if you have any symptoms, please see a doctor as soon as possible.

Office hours




11:30-18:30(no lunchtime.)


Our clinic is closed on 12/31, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3.


Higashiikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 170-0013

TEL: +81-3-3981-6363

・1-minute walk from Ikebukuro station east exit.

・Our clinic is on the right side of "LABI (Yamada Denki)".
The clinic is on the fifth floor of the building which "Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ" is on the first floor.



Please print and fill out this questionnaire for consultation in advance.



Online appointment


Doctor career

Director:Yoshiko Hori

(Registered Recipient of a Diploma of Ophthalmology Ph.D)
English fluent


Japanese Ophthalmological Society
Japan Ophtalmologists Association
Japan Cornea Society
Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons
Japanese Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery


1986: Graduate-School of Medicine of Iwate Medical University
1990: Post Graduate school of Iwate MedicalUniversity
1991: Iwate prefectural Ofunato hospital
1993: Department of Ophthalmology Iwate Medical University Instructor
1993: Schepens Eye Research Institute of Harvard University
1997: Department of Ophthalmology Tokyo Dental College
1997: Minami-Aoyama Eye Clinic
2008: Ichikawa general hospital Department of Ophthalmology Tokyo Dental College
2010: IkebukuroSunshineStreetEyeClinic(Director since 2010)

Main Thesis

The three-dimensional organization of collagen fibrils in the human cornea and sclera.(maiden name Komai)

Doctor:Yasuhiro Shinkawa

(Registered Recipient of a Diploma of Ophthalmology)


Japan Ophthalmological Society
Japanese Retina and Vitreous Society
Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons


2001: Graduate-Medical Department of Kumamoto University
2002: Department of Ophthalmology Kyoto University School of medicine
2002: Shimada Municipal Hospital
2008: Japanese Red Cross Society
2010: Kitano Hospital The Tazuke Kofukai Medical Research Institute
2014: Ikebukuro Sunshine Street Eye Clinic

We have 5 full-time service orthoptist, 3 part-time orthoptists, 1full-time nurse and 3 part-time nurses in our clinic.
Another several ophthalmologists are working here.