We will open our clinic all days through Silver Week.
Doctor’s schedule
We can schedule cataract surgery within 3 weeks.

For the beginners

Your vision may have changed without noticing.

  • Your vision keeps on changing even your body finishes developing as an adult. For example, your lifestyle, work environment, aging, and diseases such as glaucoma and cataract can change your vision, which makes it difficult to keep using the same contact lens.

    Human’s vision changes depending on the day and time, and even if you see with both eyes, the vison could differ between left and right. It is very difficult to figure out the right power on your own. Also, it is better to wear the lens to check how it feels.
    These are the reason why we strongly recommend that you have an examination and get a prescription at an eye clinic.

You might find out there are contact lens that fits you more.

Example 1 - Using contact lenses for nearsighted, even though your astigmatism has increased.

You possibly have astigmatism if you cannot see the line width evenly.

Astigmatism might increase with age. In Japan, there is a data that many people try to put up with nearsighted lenses, even though they have astigmatism.
Just increasing the power would not correct the vision may cause hypercorrection, however, astigmatism lens might improve the blurred vision and eye strain.
It is almost impossible to choose the right contact lenses on your own. We recommend that you have an examination.

Example 2 - Difficulties to focus on nearby objects.

The eyes’ muscle stiffens with age, and most people notice that around age 40. You can focus on things close to you easier by using bifocal contact lenses. However, using bifocal lenses with same power as nearsighted lenses does not work. Also, each product has different Add power, so it is better to get your vision checked at the clinic.

Example 3 – Your contact makes your eyes dry.

Tears production decreases by age, and human’s eyes gets easily dried as we get older.
We recommend silicone hydrogel contact lenses for those who are concerned with dry eye. Silicone lenses has lower water content compared to hema lenses, so it prevents the water on your eyes to evaporate, and that helps your eyes from getting dry.
On the other hand, because the water content is lower, some people might feel the silicone lenses a little stiff. Also, since there are many types of silicone lenses, it costs more if you buy them all to try.
There is a specialist of dry eye at our clinic. Even if you have dry eye, you can try some contact lenses and choose one from them. We can also prescribe several types of lenses for one visit.

Example 4 – Have fun changing the look of your eyes.

Colored contact lenses can change how your eyes look in several ways. It will cost a lot if you get them on the internet to try them. At our clinic, we have many types of safe colored lenses. You can wear them to check how it looks like and find out your favorite before making a purchase.
It is better to have your eyes checked since the size and base curve changes depending on the products.

Office hours




11:30-18:30(no lunchtime.)


Our clinic is closed on 12/31, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3.


Higashiikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 170-0013

TEL: +81-3-3981-6363

・1-minute walk from Ikebukuro station east exit.

・Our clinic is on the right side of "LABI (Yamada Denki)".
The clinic is on the fifth floor of the building which "Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ" is on the first floor.



Please print and fill out this questionnaire for consultation in advance.



Online appointment


Doctor career

Director:Yoshiko Hori

(Registered Recipient of a Diploma of Ophthalmology Ph.D)
English fluent


Japanese Ophthalmological Society
Japan Ophtalmologists Association
Japan Cornea Society
Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons
Japanese Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery


1986: Graduate-School of Medicine of Iwate Medical University
1990: Post Graduate school of Iwate MedicalUniversity
1991: Iwate prefectural Ofunato hospital
1993: Department of Ophthalmology Iwate Medical University Instructor
1993: Schepens Eye Research Institute of Harvard University
1997: Department of Ophthalmology Tokyo Dental College
1997: Minami-Aoyama Eye Clinic
2008: Ichikawa general hospital Department of Ophthalmology Tokyo Dental College
2010: IkebukuroSunshineStreetEyeClinic(Director since 2010)

Main Thesis

The three-dimensional organization of collagen fibrils in the human cornea and sclera.(maiden name Komai)

Doctor:Yasuhiro Shinkawa

(Registered Recipient of a Diploma of Ophthalmology)


Japan Ophthalmological Society
Japanese Retina and Vitreous Society
Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons


2001: Graduate-Medical Department of Kumamoto University
2002: Department of Ophthalmology Kyoto University School of medicine
2002: Shimada Municipal Hospital
2008: Japanese Red Cross Society
2010: Kitano Hospital The Tazuke Kofukai Medical Research Institute
2014: Ikebukuro Sunshine Street Eye Clinic

We have 5 full-time service orthoptist, 3 part-time orthoptists, 1full-time nurse and 3 part-time nurses in our clinic.
Another several ophthalmologists are working here.