Director:Yoshiko Hori

(Registered Recipient of a Diploma of Ophthalmology Ph.D)
English fluent 堀医師


Japanese Ophthalmological Society
Japan Ophtalmologists Association
Japan Cornea Society
Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons
Japanese Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery


1986: Graduate-School of Medicine of Iwate Medical University
1990: Post Graduate school of Iwate MedicalUniversity
1991: Iwate prefectural Ofunato hospital
1993: Department of Ophthalmology Iwate Medical University Instructor
1993: Schepens Eye Research Institute of Harvard University
1997: Department of Ophthalmology Tokyo Dental College
1997: Minami-Aoyama Eye Clinic
2008: Ichikawa general hospital Department of Ophthalmology Tokyo Dental College
2010: IkebukuroSunshineStreetEyeClinic(Director since 2010)

Main Thesis

The three-dimensional organization of collagen fibrils in the human cornea and sclera.(maiden name Komai)


It is said that we are gaining 80 percent of the outside information through our eyes. Because we live in the information-intensive society nowadays, we tend to overuse our eyes at any times, and tend to suffer from various kinds of eye troubles.
Therefore, ophthalmological checkup and care has become significant.
If you have any concern about your eye condition, please feel free to consult us.
We will provide careful treatment and will try our best so that you can receive our consultation with full satisfaction.
